Is your cloud adoption mature enough?
Are your teams on the same page for secure cloud adoption?
Empower your team to embrace cloud and DevOps culture while strengthening your security and control.
Both cloud computing and DevOps are about automating IT delivery, thereby greatly speeding up agility and innovation. This can also help security.
A 4-6 hour live event (on-site or on-line) introduces your team to a common perspective on cloud, DevOps and security.
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Benefits of the Cloud and DevOps Security Workshop
Faster adoption of cloud and DevOps
More controlled security
Mutual understanding
Learn how to explain what is important to you
Improved collaboration
Your team will learn a common language on cloud and the culture and philosophy of DevOps and security. This will allow them to autonomously propel your organization forward on its cloud journey, greatly accelerating its secure adoption of cloud and DevOps.
A team, working as one towards a common goal.
What you get in the workshop:
This workshop is a safe, fun, and proven experience and guaranteed to have a great return on investment. The following modules can be part of your custom workshop. Each module lasts between 10 and 40 minutes, and most have an activity associated with them. In our preparation we will collaborate on selecting an optimal agenda for the workshop.
Introduction of participants and facilitator
Quick cloud security wins
Cloud models (NIST), with service model exercise
Cloud business benefits spectrum (with small exercise).
The DevOps and DevSecOps model
Cloud threat modeling (with examples, optionally reviewing CSA Egregious Eleven)
Shared responsibility exercise (based on PCI/DSS Cloud model)
The cloud adoption process, including migration strategies and service model selection
Practical evaluation of cloud providers (CCM and CAIQ)
5 elements of cloud security
Review of typical IaaS security features
Security automation exercise (paper-based)
Cloud case from customer (run through adoption and securing)
Cloud training options
Cloud service demonstrations (AWS, CI/CD DevOps, OpenStack, …)
Service models exercise, Service description, and Service design
Cloud business models and business cases
Cloud technology architectures
IT risk basics, as applied to cloud
How to talk about security
Evaluation and wrap-up.

Your workshop facilitator:
Peter van Eijk
I am one of the world's most experienced independent cloud instructors. With a background spanning decades of industry and education experience, it is still my daily joy to help people and teams master the continuous evolution of information technology.
Look further down to see me in action, or find me on LinkedIN for more information.
The workshop process
Before: intake
Preparing the workshop, we'll discuss which modules make the most sense for your team. We can then also survey the team members for their prior knowledge, understanding, and personal learning objectives.
The event
On-site, or on-line, we will engage in collaborative activities that emphasize experience over passive consumption. Your team members will work together on a variety of assignments to illustrate the cloud and DevOps culture shift, and how it applies to their own situation.
After the workshop, your team will have continuous access to all the workshop materials, and more, and can participate in regular online community meetings.
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The workshop in action
CISO: "We brought together many guilds from our organization in this workshop: architects, security, sourcing, DevOps. As a result, we now have greatly improved mutual understanding on cloud computing between these teams, which speeds up our secure cloud adoption and all the benefits that that brings".

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